Recipes since 1922
We use our ancestors recipe and we follow them literally. Step by step.
Best climate, best grapes
With vineyards at 700m a.s.l., no irrigation, and a mixture of Continental, Mediterranean and Mountainous climate, moderate summers and sufficient precipitation, hot summer days and cold nights, Kozuf valleys provide just the right amount of cool air to build higher level of acids and aromatic substances in the grapes, making grapes from Krnjevo region the best in the country.
Hand picked grapes cooled naturally
We hand pick the grapes and leave them overnight to freeze outside as the nights are extremely cold in autumn.
No industry nearby
There is no single factory in the vicinity of the vineyards or in the Kozuf mountain
Traditional copper pots
We use the exact same traditional production methodology and equipment our ancestors used. Traditional copper pots. And fully hand made. And home made.
Double distillation
We double distill the spirits in order to get the purest possible spirit a grape can give.
We age our spirits for a minimum of three years in order to get the smoothest and most authentic spirit under the influence of the best oaks: French for VS, Macedonian for Rakija.
We use more than twelve different eaux-de-vies to create our signature spirits.